
Thought For The New Year

As the clock was ticking last evening moving moment to moment bringing my thoughts and memory into the time and year we designate as 2012, I found it interesting to recall my thoughts of prior moments when I had been considering what wondrous, exciting and unfolding events would be occurring in life in the moments, hours, days, weeks and months to come.
Not being one to live ‘ahead’, but having learned to exprience this very instant, I found the realization of slipping quietly into another dimension of memory (or time as we equate it) especially this time in eternity, very exhilarating. How about you? Are you looking forward to the movement of time and memory in your life as the clock ticks? I truly hope to meet you along the ‘road’ as we locate the cache of Wonder that awaits around every bend of the Light, every quark and infinite unknown part of All that Is. In recognizing the upcoming time/memories, I jotted down a few lines from my heart that you may also appreciate:
Hope Comes Calling
In the memory we consider as time, another year has turned
and we find ourselves facing Hope in all Her glory,
bidding us come forward to know and seek the Wonder
that awaits within and then shows us Herself in all that our senses can receive.
Blessed Hope, You bring the Peace that all has already been completed;
there is a way we have not yet known but waits for us
and is even now seeking us to know It.
Yes, no need to overcome, we just know all is already accomplished
and we may now rest
in allowing the gentleness of Love to show us Its amazing Grace.
So, rest my friend, in the knowing that all you seek, need and desire
in the depths of your fertile heart is even now
singing with the Symphony of the Universe,   “I Am”.
~M~ January 1, 2012

I said to the man at the gate of the year, “Give me a light that I may go forth into the unknown.” And the man replied, “Put your hand into the hand of God. That shall be to you better than a light, safer than a known way.” (A New Year’s message from Britain’s King George to his embattled people at the beginning of WWII)
And so, as our quest compels us forward let us remember that while we may not ‘see’ the way, we ‘know’ the way; it is that knowing within each of us that guides and gives knowledge of the step by step journey. It is that Light that cannot be extinguished : It is the Light of all. YOU are a powerful and exceptional soul, walking your path. You already contain the courage, wisdom and knowledge needed to accomplish your exciting purpose.
Let’s walk the 2012 path together ~ we are sure to reach our goals as we realize we are ONE and that our dreams, desires, intentions and purpose cannot fail as we recognize there is no duality.
I’ll see you along the Road! ~M


  1. Jim Winder says:

    Margie, I am blessed to have been directed by our Heavenly Father to receive the wonderful message that you have included. May you continue to be blessed in all areas of your life.



  2. admin says:

    Thank you, Jim. I am so glad you have been blessed by ‘Thought for the New Year’, just as I am blessed by your kind words and loving heart. I ‘hear’ our Heavenly Father speak to me through you, and I remember We are One.
    Grace and Peace in all your moments,

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